Martial Arts Programs Available in McAllen


Master Zs Kung-Fu Kids is more than just another after school activity. Exciting yet disciplined classes hold your child's attention, thus improving his or her ability to learn. Learning builds a sense of accomplishment. With each new accomplishment, self-confidence will grow- the first part of a strong foundation. Along with building self-confidence, we weave traditional values into the fabric of each class. Courage, Justice, Generosity, Politeness, Honor, Honesty, and Loyalty. These seven traditional values - the second part of a strong foundation - date back to the ear of the Samurai Warriors. In addition, your child will develop a non-quitting spirit to overcome life's obstacles. A non-quitting spirit - the third part of a strong foundation - makes any goal attainable. This complete foundation helps children excel in school, sports, and the arts. It ensures that they will make the right decisions when confronted with negative peer pressure. They will feel Secure... Confident... Special.


We train you to look, feel and function like a warrior. It doesn't matter if you are a man, woman or child. The training towards becoming more lean, fit and skilled isn't that much different. Total fitness is what you can expect from every class. Incorporating the best exercises to develop strength, flexibility and overall function. We realize how important it is to feel at your best, but we also know that feeling your best is in direct proportion of looking your best too. This is why our training is geared to help you burn fat fast and build muscle to transform your body into that warrior that is waiting inside of you to emerge. Each class incorporates resistance, endurance and flexibility exercises. If you are looking to turn into a Fit Warrior we suggest to train in our Master Z's Warrior Fit training program. This incorporates training in Kickboxing for the cardio burn, resistance training to burn fat and shape your body, as well as Krav Maga to develop your warrior skills and spirit. In short, you will quickly notice an overall improvement in weight reduction, endurance and muscle development. When you look good, you feel good. And that improves your whole outlook on life.


A Person lunges at you swinging a club. Automatically you avoid the attack and sweep him off his feet. Another person comes at you from the side, throwing a punch. Without any thought, you duck the punch and deliver a palm strike to his face. Before you know it, someone grabs you from behind. Instantaneously, you flip him over your shoulder. Suddenly, your instructor says, "Stop." And you and your fellow students stand at attention and bow to each other, knowing that each attack and defense was controlled enough to teach you the most practical self-defense without hurting one another. Through simulated situations of what might happen on the street, Master Z's Krav Maga prepares you for virtually any type of assault. Under your instructor's supervision, you will learn what to do in long range - if someone comes at you with a stick or knife. You will be ready to move in mid-range - if a punch is being thrown at you. And your reactions will be instinctive at close-range - if someone is trying to grab you. With Master Z's Krav Maga, you will gain the most power, the greatest speed and leverage - and the most effective method of self-defense. Knowing you can defend yourself, your confidence will grow. And confidence alone is usually enough to deter potential attackers. Master Z's Krav Maga is unique as it has striped away most of the less practical techniques, and has kept the most usable forms of defense that occurs in reality situations today. With Master Z's 45 years experience, he has added many new and up-to-date techniques and training exercises that make Master Z's Krav Maga easily learned by men, women and children of all ages.




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